
21 Best Benefits Of Cantaloupe or MELON For Skin, Hair And Health

Apart from their delicious sweet taste and enticing aroma, cantaloupe melons are great sources of minerals, pro-Vitamin A, potassium and dietary fiber, thus providing several health benefits.

1. Strengthens the Immune System:

Cantaloupe is rich in Vitamin C which boosts immunity by stimulating the white blood cells in the body. WBCs are considered as the body’s natural defense mechanism as they prevent foreign bodies from attacking as well as eradicate infections that attack the body. Being a powerful antioxidant, Vitamin C also effectively combats free radicals in the body. These free radicals damage the skin and are responsible for causing premature ageing. Thus, introducing cantaloupes in your diet can help keep pre-mature ageing at bay.

2. Cardiovascular Health:

Cantaloupes are rich in potassium which controls blood pressure, thus keeping your heart healthy. This mineral also prevents hypertension and prevents sodium from further harming the body. Cantaloupes are also rich in a compound called adenosine which is beneficial for the heart as it has blood thinning properties. This prevents blood clotting in the cardiovascular system. Vitamin C prevents arteriosclerosis i.e. hardening of arteries whereas folate helps in preventing heart attacks.

3. Prevents Cancer:

Cantaloupes have a high content of Vitamin C and beta-carotene which can effectively fight and eliminate free radicals from the body. These free radicals are harmful as they attack the body cells and cause cancerous growth.

4. Combats Stress:

Cantaloupe is rich in potassium which normalizes the heartbeat and promotes the supply of oxygen to the brain, thus making you feel more relaxed and focused. It also has superoxide dismutase which combats stress by lowering the blood pressure and relaxing the nerves. It prevents cellular death caused due to oxidative stress.

5. Eye Health:

Cantaloupe is rich in beta carotenes which help in maintaining healthy eyesight. On absorption by the body, these beta carotenes get converted into Vitamin A which helps in preventing cataract and improving vision. Studies have proved that regular consumption of foods having high vitamin content can reduce the risk of developing cataracts by 40%.

6. Prevents Diabetic Nephropathy:

Diabetic nephropathy is a kidney disorder in which the kidney cells get dangerously damaged. Cantaloupe extract known as “oxykine” can prevent this condition. Moreover, cantaloupe has a low glycemic index (GI) which means that fructose and glucose contained in cantaloupe is a simple sugar. Thus, this fruit is safe for diabetic patients and those suffering from obesity.

7. Beneficial for Lungs:

Regular intake of cantaloupe replenishes the body from the loss of vitamin A over a period due to continuous smoking or exposure to second-hand smoke. This helps in rejuvenating the lungs and is particularly beneficial for smokers whose lungs have been immensely damaged due to smoking.

8. Treatment of Insomnia:

Cantaloupe has effective laxative properties as it contains a special compound that relieves the nerves and calms anxieties. Thus, it helps insomniacs to get rid of their sleeping disorders by soothing their nervous system.

9. Treatment of Menstrual Problems:

Vitamin C in cantaloupes is effective in regulating menstrual flow and relieving menstrual cramps in women. Regular consumption of cantaloupe during menstruation can reduce the flow and clotting considerably; and get rid of other menstrual problems. Cantaloupe is also sometimes used to induce menstruation.

10. Aids in Weight Loss:

Cantaloupe aids in weight loss as it is low in calories and high in fiber. Thus, you can eat a high amount of cantaloupe while keeping your caloric intake under control. Fiber is beneficial for weight loss as it takes a long time to leave your stomach and enter the digestive tract, thus making you feel full for a longer time. This slow digesting process prevents you from overeating. Besides, fiber rich foods are often bulky and occupy more space in your stomach, making you feel fuller and preventing you from snacking in between meals.

11. Helps Smokers to Quit Smoking:

Cantaloupe is beneficial for those who are trying to quit smoking. This is because the minerals and nutrients in cantaloupe enable the smoker to deal with nicotine withdrawal symptoms effectively. Moreover, it helps the body to recover faster by replenishing the lost vitamin A of the body due to constant smoking.

12. Beneficial for Pregnant Women:

Folic acid is often recommended to women who are trying to conceive as well as those who are pregnant. The high folate content in cantaloupe helps in the production and maintenance of new cells, especially in pregnant women and it also prevents neutral tube disorders in fetuses. Cantaloupe also prevents water retention by regularly flushing out the extra sodium from the body.

13. Medicinal Property of Cantaloupe Seeds:

Eating crushed cantaloupe seeds can help to expel intestinal worms. They are also effective in treating cough, fever and indigestion.

14. Cures Toothache:

Cantaloupe rind is effective in curing toothache. For this purpose, you can take about 6 grams of cantaloupe skin, add water and simmer till cooked. On cooling, strain and use it as a mouth rinse.

15. Medicinal Value of Cantaloupe Tea:

Cantaloupe root is used to make cantaloupe tea which is an effective diuretic and helps induce vomiting.

 cantaloupe skin benefits
Image: Shutterstock

Cantaloupe: Skin Benefits

All varieties of melons are great for skin, and cantaloupe melon being the most nutritious among them, is no exception. It offers the following benefits for your skin.

16. Hydrates and Rejuvenates Skin:

Cantaloupe contains Vitamins K and E which play an important role in keeping your skin healthy and radiant. The high water content hydrates your skin from within. Cantaloupe is also a good source of B vitamins, choline and betaine which keep your skin replenished and rejuvenated. Topical application of cantaloupe juice helps in softening and hydrating your skin.

17. Skin Regeneration:

The high content of Vitamins A and C in cantaloupe fruit makes it beneficial for your skin. Vitamin A encourages skin regeneration while Vitamin C is involved in the formation of collagen, the connective tissue that imparts a youthful glow to your skin. You can prepare a face pack by processing some cantaloupe in a blender and adding powdered oatmeal and yogurt to the pulp to make a thick and smooth paste. Apply this pack all over your face and neck and remove by massaging it in gentle circular movements. Wash off with warm water. This should be applied thrice a week for best results.

18. Anti-ageing Benefits:

Cantaloupe has abundant folic acid which facilitates regeneration of cells, thus imparting you with healthy skin. This is particularly beneficial for pregnant women. Vitamin C on the other hand prevents damage by free radicals. In this way, cantaloupe helps keep wrinkles at bay, maintains skin elasticity and facilitates collagen synthesis, thus providing anti-ageing benefits.

19. Treatment of Eczema and Other Skin Problems:

The cantaloupe juice is also an effective lotion for treating eczema and removing freckles. It can also be used as a first aid for burns and abrasions.

Cantaloupe: Hair Benefits

Cantaloupe contains all the vital nutrients and minerals that are required for maintaining healthy hair and scalp. Its benefits for hair are given below.

20. Combats Hair Loss:

Insonitol is a form of Vitamin B which is required to prevent hair loss and promote hair growth. This vitamin is mostly found in citrus fruits except lemons. Cantaloupe contains sufficient amount of insonitol and hence, regular consumption of this fruit can stimulate hair growth.

21. Perfect Conditioner:

Cantaloupe can be a perfect hair conditioner during the summer months. All you need to do is mash a cup of cantaloupe with a fork and massage your hair with this pulp after shampooing. Wash off after 10 minutes.


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