
...i want to

i want to burst like a bomb...i want to be invisible...i want to get drunk, till I drop..i want to shout to the world "i ain't stupid" but most likely!..i want to talk and talk til i run out of words...i want to tour till the end...i want to run and run as fast as a kangaroo!...i want to sleep all day long, day til dawn!...i want to laugh as free as a child...i want to be wild...i want to be the best as i can be...i want to reach the moon like armstrong...i want to get what i really want...i want to be out in the street!...i want to be a criminal...i want to feel what is like to be in prison...i want to break the rule...i want to be independent...i want to tell you i hate you...i want to say i miss you...i want to say i love you...i want to say Pls. dont leave me...i want to walk slowly as a snail...i want to eat and eat till im bloated...i want to taste the bitterness of life...i want to be alone...i want to throw anything!...i want to shop...i want to draw...i want to take off my clothes coz i want to swim in a river...i want to take anything...i want freedom and i cant...

i just want to be understood but no one can....=(

1 comment:

  1. Sadness and joy are as inevitable as night and day.

    Try first to learn more about yourself, that's the key to any progress in this tiny part of the Universe and learning is an ever lasting effort.

    So Peace unto you.
